
Wednesday 23 March 2011

The summer gadget review

It's official: the sun is out and summer is on its way! In our gadget-obsessed modern world, how better to prepare for the long light evenings and beach holidays than a round-up of the best summer gadgets on the market, to help you celebrate the best season of the year in style, and most importantly, conveniently!

Aqua shoes

We all like to pretend we're not aware of those jellyfish, sharp stones and crabs lurking beneath the surface of the sea, but there's a better way to avoid pain. Aqua shoes are sturdy, hard wearing and not bad looking either! Toggle fastenings allow you to fit them to your own feet avoiding sliding and hard we-grip soles let you cling on to rocks limpet-like. Also perfect for water sport enthusiasts, these shoes can be worn in or out of the water and protect your feet from burning sand, naughty little sea creatures and sharp rocks.

Overboard 100% waterproof phone bag

This is one of those brilliant inventions that I never thought would happen – now you can take your phone swimming with you! Since you can actually use your iphone while it is in the bag, this opens up to a range of possibilities: underwater photos, underwater sound recordings, underwater phone-calls(? - let me know if you succeed!) Guaranteed for depths of up to 19 feet, it is quite possible to go scuba diving, snorkeling and white water rafting with your phone – think of the photos!

Skin care UV intensity detector

Here's another one that's worth investing in for your health and comfort – a small device that tells you how intense the sun's UV rays are. This is something that can be very hard to judge by feeling alone, so it's worth testing your instincts to make sure you've applied enough sun cream – nothing is worse than painful sunburn spoiling your holiday and this could be damaging to your skin in the long term too. At the bargain price of £4.99, it's worth the investment.

Back2You Luggage tags

If you've ever lost your luggage on holiday you'll know how frustrating it can be to try and find your stuff. Luckily, you can protect yourself and your luggage with these Back2You luggage tags, which can track your suitcases when you register them. Safeguard your luggage with minimum effort and locate it anywhere in the world 24/7.

All these products and more can be found at D2D Imports – check it out now to find the best products to suit your lifestyle this summer!

Jellyfish, rocks and broken bottles: How to protect your feet in the sea this summer"

Aqua shoes for the beach and watersports

If you've ever had a a jellyfish sting or minor wound on your foot, during a summer beach holiday you'll know exactly how incapacitating it can be. Personally, I remember a number of holidays starting with overexuberant paddling near rocks and ending up in limping agony any time I even caught sight of salt water. Luckily, help is at hand with specially designed Aqua shoes. With their hardwearing wet grip sole but soft intsole you can be comfortable, safe and as exuberant as you like in and out of the sea this summer!

We all are aware of the hidden dangers beneath the surface on the beach even if we don't like to think about it. Sharp stones, pieces of glass, crabs and jellyfish all lie underfoot, ready to pounce on their carefree, unsuspecting victim. Aqua shoes protect your feet with a reinforced cushion insole and sturdy sole, designed to help you keep your balance on the rocks. With their soft neoprene upper and toggle fastening, you can adjust these shoes to fit snugly to your feet, again helping to avoid those unfortunate slips and falls that you get in sandals or barefoot. They are also hardwearing with double stitched seams – much better than the cheap “jelly shoes” you can buy at the seaside that fall apart on their first outing. No more hot-footing it across the burning sand – you can wander as sedately as the hot weather demands to the ice cream kiosk and no need to change into proper shoes at the edge of the beach!

Aqua shoes are also perfect for water sports. Whether you enjoy rowing, windsurfing or just hiring a pedalo in the sea, these shoes give you a firm grip on pedals and boat bottoms and protect your feet from any unfortunate slips (we can't say the same for the rest of you though – if you're a keen windsurfer you might want to still keep an eye out for the sail!) Wear them in or out of the water and stay protected.

Aqua shoes come in a range of colours including blue, grey, red and pink with black so you can match them to your wetsuit, swimming suit or bikini as required. Make sure you check out our Aqua shoes and protect your feet this summer!

Monday 7 March 2011

Protect your Items at the Beach with Waterproof Bags

Summer time is a season when you probably want to get out and have some fun. You may be thinking of getting off to a beach somewhere to get some time to relax from daily routine. Your properties are important during such times and getting waterproof bags can be very essential so as to ensure that you have ultimate peace of mind at the beach.
Having the ability to keep your items clean and dry is reassuring enough when you are taking any form of holiday or trip. No matter where your holiday are, you can be certain to have things in order and no risk of getting back home with numerous damages. The decision to protect your property is absolutely yours and with the many choices available, you have all reasons to do just that.

If you buy packs that are waterproofed, you would be certain that any money, maps, clothing, electronics and any other items in your pack would be safe. You would have all the confidence when going off on a skiing trip at the summit, lake fishing or taking off on a cruise.

You need to be sure about the durability of the packaging you are buying. This is important if you do not intend to buy packs every summer as it can be very expensive in the long run. Getting your packs from a reputable company would ensure that you receive dependable serviceability from the packs you purchase.

To enjoy your stay at the beach, you need to get a bag that would withstand heavy usage. This is because at the beach, you would probably get into activities such as fishing and swimming among many other outdoor events. The packs are bound to get loads of dirt and sand. You may also not be so lucky with efforts to keep the packs dry. They are bound to get wet and getting a waterproof one is the best thing to do.

Beach bags are therefore necessary in water proof forms. That would give you peace of mind knowing that your stay at the beach stands to suffer no form of disruption. There are definitely important items like phones, cameras, watches and others that you would need close by at the beach, skiing, or cruise ship and the require to be offered adequate protection.

You can find several holiday essentials to take in different items that you may need to take with you on a summer trip. You would need to get packaging material in sizes that fit your items like small ones for your key less electronic remote for your car to larger bags for you laptops.

There are several types of waterproof bags that you can buy from the market. These come in different sizes and designs to take your needs into consideration. You can make a choice that suits your lifestyle and spend your holiday at the beach knowing that your properties are safe from water damage. On the other hand, you can also get durable bags that would withstand the rigors of sand water and time.