
Wednesday 20 July 2011

Beat gym boredom with a sports armband pouch

Many of us start the week with the best intentionsd. We decide to go to the gym more often, to keep fit and to lose weight. But often we never make it past the first day. Why is that? Why is that some of us can’t stick out a half hour jog around the park or a twenty minute stint on the cross trainer at the gym? In my opinion it’s because these activities seem just plain boring. 

I find listening to my MP3 player really helpful when exercising. It gives me something to focus on and stops the boredom from kicking in. If I’m running and I’m starting to flag, hearing my favourite party track really motivates me and keeps me going. If I become engrossed in an audio book or a podcast – this could be a comedy programme or film review – I feel almost detached from by body. My limbs move automatically and I don’t even notice that my heart is pounding and I’m breathing heavily. I have been known to do a few extra laps of the park just because I want to find out how an exciting audio book ends.

However, in order to listen to an MP3 player you will need a sports armband pouch. You simply slip it around your upper arm, fasten it with the Velcro strap, pop your MP3 player, iPod or phone inside and off you go! At D2D we have several different colours available so we will definitely have the right one to suit your personality. These sports armband pouches are fantastic for many different types of exercise such as running, cycling, walking, horse riding and even gardening!

Why not give listening to music while exercising a go? And hopefully you will be able to keep your training for not just 1 week....!! Good luck!

Written by Hannah...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

At D2D, We Make Summer Safe AND Fun

At D2D we’re committed to helping you stay healthy and safe throughout the year. As a result, we offer a wide range of convenience and health products designed to help you enjoy summer safely. From brightly-coloured beach shoes to waterproof MP3 player pouches, we have everything you need to make your summer holidays the best ever.

• No trip to the beach or tropics would be complete without a pair of our Aqua beach shoes to protect feet and add a colourful touch to any swimsuit ensemble. Available in five colours and a full range of sizes, our beach shoes keep you looking and feeling great while beachcombing, playing volleyball or just lounging in the summer sun.

• Our skin care UV intensity tester and detector is an essential take-along item for beach or outdoor fun. Conveniently designed to fit on a standard key ring, the UV intensity tester measures the strength and intensity of the sun’s rays to help you determine the level of sunscreen needed to protect skin from sunburn and UV damage. At just under five pounds, this premium protection comes at a bargain price.

• Rainy summer days will be no problem with D2D’s full line of lace effect umbrellas. We offer umbrellas in five exclusive shades including gold, pink and purple. These feminine umbrellas are designed specifically to look great while keeping the rain away; they can also serve as beautiful and lightweight parasols to shade against the sun once the clouds roll away. These umbrellas make the perfect gift for any woman on your shopping list.

• Rugged outdoor adventures require solidly constructed gear, and our line of canvas bags measures up to the task. Canvas backpacks in neutral shades of green and khaki help you blend into the natural surroundings, while our exclusive line of messenger bags makes a statement that sets you apart from the crowd. These solid bags provide adequate room for all your gear and are built to last even under heavy use.

• D2D sells a wide range of waterproof storage cases and bags including custom-designed MP3 and iPod cases and waterproof headphones to let you take your tunes with you without fear of water damage to these delicate musical storage devices. Our cases are sleek and look great while keeping your music safe and water-free.

Whatever your holiday plans, take D2D on holiday with you for added safety and summer fun at home or on the go.

Saturday 9 July 2011

What's Hot in Health This Summer?

D2D Imports has rolled out an entire arsenal of health products to keep you out and about this summer. From therapeutic nail beds to miniature UV detectors, the following products are a must for maintaining a healthy, happy body.

A compact and effective back pain solution, the Divya Health and Fitness “Bed of Nails” Mat offers chiropractic benefits without the office or the price. Derived from the Indian “bed of nails,” the Divya Health and Fitness version supports back, neck, and shoulder pain relief, increased energy, circulation, endorphins and more.

The Heatease Body Warmers incorporate the known benefits of heat treatment into convenient, affordable and long-lasting packets. They evenly distribute a heat treatment to loosen sore or tight joints and muscles before physical activity. They also improve circulation and come in handy on ski trips.

Standard scales don’t offer much information in the way of fat content, which can be misleading and discouraging to muscular or big-boned bodies. The Mini Body Fat % Analyser, however, gives an instant readout of body fat percentage to help you establish accurate fitness and weight loss goals.

Small enough to travel, the Delux iMassage Pillow offers its stunning pain relief applications in any setting. It conforms perfectly to any body part, delivering heat to relieve pain during a stressful workday or a relaxing day at home.

The Skin Care UV Intensity Tester protects the body from harmful rays and helps to prevent skin cancer all from your key ring. A user friendly interface displays a number indicating the intensity of the UV rays that are present, advising to cover up, lotion up, or go inside.
Finally, EFX’s remarkable hologram bracelets use energy currents to keep the body centred, offering an entire slew of benefits such as improved circulation, pain management, balance, and overall happiness.

Check out the rest of our great health products and offers at D2D