
Wednesday 16 February 2011

How to do a spa hot rocks treatment at home

We all need to relax and be pampered every now and again but unfortunately not all of us can afford expensive spa treatments. However, with a spa hot rocks kit you can create your own relaxing spa treatment in the comfort of your own home and for a fraction of the price. Here’s how to get the most out of your spa hot rocks kit.

Unfortunately a spa hot rocks treatment is not something you can do on your own. Ask a friend to help you position the rocks or better still do the treatment on your partner. It’s a great way of spending a relaxing and romantic evening with the one you love.

First of all, set up your pamper room. Put on your favourite relaxing music, dim the lights and light some scented candles to create the perfect atmosphere. Then prepare the hot rocks. Remove the stones from the soft velvet bag provided and place them in a pan of water on the hob. Bring them to the boil before carefully removing them without touching them or the scalding water. Alternatively you can place them in a jug of water in the microwave until the water begins to boil. Place the stones on a towel and leave them to cool for a few minutes until they are safe to touch. Take them back to your pamper room and lay down in a comfortable position. This may be on the floor, on your bed or even on a massage table if you happen to have one. Then ask your friend or partner to place the stones on your bare skin in the position that the accompanying instructions indicate for backs, shoulders, arms or feet. Finally, close your eyes and unwind as the heat begins to relax your muscles.
For more information and for other heath and spa products, please visit D2D

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