
Tuesday 16 August 2011

TechNoni - Noni health Spray Supplement

Noni is a commonly used name for Morinda Citrifolia, a fruit bearing tree which has been one of the most powerful and widely used medicinal herbs in the Pacific Islands for over 2000 years. As a remedy, Noni is reported to have a broad range of therapeutic effects, including antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antitumor, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, and immune enhancing effects. Noni is rich in nitrates and nitrites which can be converted to Nitric Oxide as soon as they are exposed to acid in the stomach.

TechNoni™, a highly concentrated version of Noni, is especially formulated to deliver the essence of its potent healing properties in its purest form. This proprietary formula combines the most effective natural extracts of Noni juice. Some of the beneficial constituents of Noni juice include various terpene compounds, caproic and caprylic acids, vitamin C and alkaloids.

 Benefits of TechNoni™

- Contains Powerful Antioxidants
- Helps Maintain a Healthy Cardiovascular System
- Can Help Boost Mental Sharpness
- Helps Improve Immune System Function
- Assists in Maintaining Healthy Cholesterol Levels
- Helps Promote Bone Strength and Joint Mobility
- Improves Sexual Performance

TechNoni  Spray from Super Health Sprays for the best way to get your daily dose ....

Vitamin D3 Health Spray

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin long known as essential (particularly D3) for promoting calcium absorption and phosphorus homeostasis thereby ensuring healthy bones. 90% of Vitamin D circulating in our body is Vitamin D3 because it is made by the skin after exposure to sunlight. Other forms of Vitamin D are available but Vitamin D3 is the only form naturally produced in the body.

Vitamin D3 is actually a prohormone. As a hormon that the body usually produces from cholesterol, through exposure to sunlight, it influences your entire body. Receptors that respond to the vitamin D3 have been found in almost every type of human cell, from your brain to your bones.

Without sufficient vitamin D3, bones can become thin and brittle and that may lead to a risk of osteoporosis.This vitamin is involved in the immune system and has shown a protective effect against the formation of cancer in the colon, the prostate and breast. Recent studies into vitamin D3 proved that its deficiency contributes to a wide variety of diseases, including heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, possibly autism, and periodontal disease.

Vitamin D is obtained either from the skin when exposed to ultraviolet radiation or through a few dietary sources, mainly fatty fish, cod-liver oil, and fortified margarine or butter. Experts recommend taking vitamin D3 supplements on a regular basis because food sources are extremely limited and our natural production depends on exposure to the sun.

Vitamin D3 Spray from Super Health Sprays for the best way to get you daily dose ....

Super Health Sprays at D2D

Based on modern nano technologies, a highly developed microliter pump of SuperHealth sprays can deliver your supplement intake  directly to the highly absorptive inner lining of your mouth. According to the Physicians’ Desk Reference for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements, oral absorption (spraying into the mouth and swallowing) is much more efficient than other forms of delivery – the nutrients being rapidly absorbed by the lining of the cheeks and the inside of the lips, called the buccal mucosa. In fact, as tests from Massachusetts General Hospital have shown that higher blood concentrations of insulin, for example, can be achived by oral application only. Even by injection, insulin takes 30 minutes longer to reach the same blood levels. Oral absorption makes nutrient sprays state-of-the-art supplementation. It is definitely the new step in vitamin and nutrient delivery.